What's the question?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mayoral Forum

On October 23, Davidson College hosted a public mayoral forum.  The forum featured the two candidates for mayor: John Woods, the incumbent, and Vince Winegardner, the challenger. Questions were asked by JD Merrill, a student from the Student Government Association, and three members of the Davidson Think Tank.

Here is a link to a video of the forum:


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Tank

Welcome to our video blog.

We are the Davidson Think Tank (or as we like to call it -- The Tank), a group of four citizens of the town of Davidson who want to bring local political and civic issues to the citizens of Davidson.

We intend to provide online videos that showcase local politicians, civic leaders, and other people of interest.

We hope that you enjoy what you see and welcome any and all comments, ideas, and offers of assistance.


The Tank

Robert Lee
Paul Miller
David Sitton
Paul Studtmann